Monday, June 13, 2005

m.j. not guilty... whatever.

so yeah. no surprise when that verdict was read. i mean, come on, just because a grown-man built an entire amusement park to lure in small boys to sleep in his bed doesnt make him a child-molestor.

im such a procrastinator... school is out, but im still lame at homework type responsibilities: paying bills and doing charts. this is probably the last time i will ever do charts for kscu and im so lazy about it. i used to fucking LOOOOOOOOOVE doing charts. now. boo. oh well. almost done with them.

i saw bruce campbell tonite. he was doing a book signing at the camera 7, and then they are showing his new movie and he's doing a q&a. i used to think that he was a man that didnt age, but when i saw him tonite, he looked old. old brucie. didnt stay for the movie or q&a. just went for a peak. it was pretty packed. lots of nerds out in full force. i saw one of the teachers there from my old high school. haha. funny.

okay. back to charts. well first, shower time, then charts them zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


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