Thursday, June 02, 2005

behaving irrationally...

we all do this from time to time, some more than others. most of the time i do it when my heart is effected. when its broken, or when its out of love. i try not to apologize for behaving this way, especially when its called for, so i wont at this time. although i will say sorry if this doesnt make any sense to some of you. or the handful of you that actually read this blog.

but i suppose what im talking about is letting go... which always hurts more than anything i have to deal with in life. but its neccessary to keep myself happy and healthy and surrounded by people that genuinely care about me and treat me so. i know i should never settle for less.. and i made that mistake and now im paying for it.

can you tell my heart is broken?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll actually let this act of emo-ness slide since you are really pouring your heart out and not singing pretentiously like those annoying as hell whiny bitch Dashboard Confessional voices that I associate emo with. Heehee.

Need more sass, Nic. Splash the blog with sass!


1:52 AM, June 03, 2005  

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