Tuesday, May 10, 2005


warning: this is a post mainly for me to write stuff down. not really for anyone elses enjoyment. its mostly just for me to rant....

i think this morning its really hitting me. i am really freakin' exhausted. really. i got a decent amount of sleep last night. 8 hours. im still completely worn out. my eyes are still little and i looke tore up. but i feel like sleep is the only time i have to relax these days. i work eight hours. go to school somewhere in there. then get home... probably work on kscu duties. clean up. unpack more boxes and organize things. work on homework. this semester it seems i have to do at least two papers a week. i cant even remember the last movie ive seen. i never go to shows anymore, by choice really. work is going to be so hardcore this month too. i dont even know when i'll have time to relax. i just want my brain to be able to shut down and power off for a little while each day. i dont even really watch much tv. its on in the background but im always doing other things. charts. reviews. laundry. unpacking. cleaning. bills. papers. research. planning for sister's baby shower. call this person. get this gift. blah blah blah. im not a freakin housewife. what the hell. haha.

any way. my break comes on thursday when i get to go and see the ponys at bottom of the hill. the only bummer thing is that im going by myself. :(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought your post was gonna be a nasty one with all those x's. hahaha

u ranting? u must be hanging with Nate too much. hahahah jk ZING!

I haven't went to a show alone for a while. I might do the same thing with the M.I.A. show this Friday.

Few more days til I see wookies in massive. Ep. 3 BABEEE! WOOHOO!

Any happy hour festivities soon? Let me know. Oh, and remind me to send my bill$ that I donated to the station. Me wants my goodies.


11:55 PM, May 10, 2005  

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