Friday, February 04, 2005

last niiight... she said....

so mission ale house has dollar beers (mgd's and hipster hi-life) and vodka well drinks on thursday nights. sounds great right? well, let me tell you, get there early cuz 'round 11 the place packs up with fucking asshole san jose state frat beefcakes. and when i say fucking assholes, i mean, beer spilling on you, gum spitting ASSHOLES. i cannot believe some guy actually spit his gum on avi. what are we... five? and avi didnt even do anything to provoke it in the first place. i feel sorry for any girl that ends up with that.

at least one good thing happened... (well besides talking shit w/ good friends--joce [whats wrong w/ lemon cheetos!?], rich, avi, ryan, eid, michael, michelle [dont forget about my scarf]), we got a good buzz at least. well...once we actually forked over four bucks for a decent beer. sorry rich, but unless im at a bbq, mgd's just dont do it for me. ohhh i just remembered another great thing from the time spent at mission ale... which involved a rather stupidly interesting conversation two girls were having in the bathroom. girl #1 says to her friend, "oh my god. this guy used the worst line on me tonite. he said, what do you say me and you get out of here and make a mocha." girl #2: "ahah. wow. what does that even mean?" girl #1: "you know. like the ones they make at starbucks." (I FUCKING KID YOU NOT, this was actually taking place)--back to story. me: (as im washing my hands): "i think he wanted to add some chocolate to the mix." girls1&2: "haha. yeah well that wont be happening." then they laugh and continue talking about mocha's or whatever, so i tell joce im going back outside, girl #2 says: "go make yourself a mocha girl." MAN!!!!!!! that story was the best ever. i rule.

any way... back to the rest of the evening...

so me and avi feeling fairly annoyed at spending perfectly good drunken time at said asshole-filled establishment, decided to go to the blank so avi could bang is head against more windows. this was a much better way to end the nite... dancing to actually a decent dj set for 80s nite. the music has been so shitty the last dozen times ive been there. and i got to see all my dance nite folks!! dennis.berenice.arick. and meet more gay boys that nite to dance w/. AND dennis IS giving me my skittle photo for my christmas gift!! WOOOOO!!! im so excited about that. (he took this really awesome photo series that involved skittles and i just love them! so ive been bugging him to give me one forever. end of story.)

basically thats all that happened. nothing dramatic happened. which was nice.. just a rad evening out. though... my little lushie self of course couldnt pull myself away from a fun nite of dancing and drinking to actually go home, pack, and get a decent nights sleep--like i always say im gonna do. oh well. i didnt drink too much so i feel pretty good, though i know the sleepyness will hit probably around 3-ish.

off to santa barbara this weekend to visit laura and my pregnant moody sister (WHO I LOVE!). i wanna see her big ol' belly. im sure i'll be back with more amazing stories from the trip. i guess the santa barbara film festival is still going on, so maybe i'll get to stalk some stars. too bad i missed scorsese givin' leo dicraprio his "LIFETIME ACHEIVEMENT AWARD' last weekend. what constitutes a lifetime? any way. dont worry, my stories will be just as good as the one about girls and the mocha. i promise you.

now playing: the impossible shapes- horus


Blogger psylentjay said...

Make a mocha? WTF!??! I prefer making tall Caramel macchiatos. No wonder I didn't see Rich's bitch ass at the Agenda. I'm putting you on blast, son...

11:33 AM, February 04, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha i can not tell a lie... 'i love mgd's' although ive been on a coo9rs light fix as of late! yeah baby, silver bullets, no homo.

anyways, i sweat what happened to the mission ale house? it used to be chill on thursday nites now its a meat market although the hotties were out in full force.

can i say that i think i got a tan standing underneath that heat lamp thing?


10:37 AM, February 07, 2005  
Blogger Avi said...

yea, first that jock spitting his gum (that i didnt even notice, only his stupid stare), THEN the fucking girl of my dreams bumping and grinding with the fratboys... fuck that shit.

2:56 AM, February 09, 2005  

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