Wednesday, February 02, 2005

false advertising.

so. gilmore girls wasnt quite the scary episode i was nervous about. pretty much everything they showed happening in the preview was NOT in this episode. bastards. all that apparently happens next week. i think it was actually a really good episode this week. i say the episode goes to richard for sure. props to rear ending your wife. mhmmm. i meant it to sound dirty.

arrested development might be my favorite comedy on tv. in fact, i think it might be the only comedy show i actually watch...? or does the surreal life count? either way, amazing show.

i saw million dollar baby. really really great movie. i would place it at number 3 of my favorite films of the year. depressing as shit... but really good. i say eastwood wins for best director and swank will probably win for best actress.

feeling kinda better. zzzzzzzzzz time tho.

now watching: replayed arrested development. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hillary swank has very up-in-your-face teeth. like ice grill, their not even coated in gold or anything but they stick out and are all up in your face like whut.

i think shes pretty in a weird way, but damn those teeth, very fire marshall bill.


1:49 PM, February 02, 2005  
Blogger n. said...

have you seen her teeth in this film? (before she starts hardcore boxing..). i actually noticed that she got them fixed. they're still kinda big and horsey, but they are mucho nicer.

10:19 PM, February 02, 2005  

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