Wednesday, February 02, 2005

sad again.

sometimes i feel like no matter what, it will never be enough. sometimes i feel like im the kind of person whos more appreciated and thought of when im not around. is that fair? i dont think it is. isnt it my turn to be appreciated and loved in the present? dont i deserve that. i often am told that two of my best and strongest qualities are my loyalty and my ability to forgive. i know these are two things very important to me, but i think they are two things that cause hurt in me as well. why am i so emotional? why do i look at things that i know will upset me? why am i writing on this stupid thing when i should be working.

okay. i feel better once i get all that out. back to work. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what the hell are you talking about? im putting your sassy ass on suicide watch!

anyways, you are a hater. you hate on me so therefore you hate on asians in general! hahah j'k, i like to overstate the dramatic/obvious.

why are you sad dude?

hell if my work took aim and myspace away from me id be pissed too.

perk up, rich will return to the music meetings one day. hahaha


a bowl of your favorite kids cereal usually cheers me up. and now their made out of whole grains, even better for your bowels. rejoice

1:47 PM, February 02, 2005  
Blogger n. said...

my fave cereal is honey bunches of oats. mmmmm. yummy.

i dont need suicide watch. stop being fucking overly dramatic.


10:18 PM, February 02, 2005  

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