Wednesday, August 02, 2006

the wednesday afternoon slump.

mood: distracted.
music: more somaFM (it's the only thing i can get work online @ work!)

i'm day dreaming about 7-11's coffee happy hour (50 cents!) which begins in forty minutes at 4:00. i think i might have to leave the desk and stroll on down the street. yeah. that sounds about right.

i applied for the music liaison position at music for america. they loved me & thought i was perfect but not perfect exactly because i have a full-time job! they need the intern to be able to work from the san francisco office, and they are only open from like 10-6 p.m. monday through friday! @#$!(@(!!! DAMNERS!! but they are an outreach organization! doesn't that mean flexible hours? oh well. my dreams are crushed. oh well. paying the rent is kinda rad too. :) plus, i can still do outreach for them down here in the south bay.

i just finished reading the nanny diaries, which was a mildly entertaining fluff book, that was exaggerated in a absurd-comedic sense... but makes you frustrated because it pushes you towards your breaking point. i think i might have trouble sitting through this when it makes it's screen adaptation... i might want to punch the screen. it will probably be a similar experience to watching 'the devil wears prada'.

i went swimming--as in doing laps-- this morning at the campbell community center. i had to pay five bucks. i felt uncomfortable because i didnt have a one piece swimsuit, or goggles, or a swimming cap like everyone else. i showed up in my little make-shift swimsuit, which was my bottom piece (a black bottom) and a sports bra with a black tank top over it... all items courtesy of target. i felt W.E.I.R.D. once i got in the pool i felt more at ease, but i had to ask this guy if he would "split the lane" with me (i learned something new today!). he asked where my goggles were and i said i didnt have any. AWKWARD! then i did laps for about thirty minutes and felt like jello trying to pull myself out of the pool. must have been a pretty good workout. i think i will continue at least once maybe twice a week. if anyone cares to join me that would be FANTASTIC. maybe we can SPLIT A LANE. ahaahahhhaaa. and i think i might be going back to target to try and find a one-piece suit.

OK. that's all for now. almost time for caffiene injection.


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