Tuesday, August 01, 2006

an uncomfortable feeling.

and that feeling is bloated! feeling bloated is one of the most uncomfortable feelings ever! even if you haven't even eaten anything, you still feel full and fat and gross. its like whatever food or liquids you have consumed are in limbo, and don't want to pass through one way or another.

i feel like this squirrel:

and there's nothing you can really do to help it! luckily it's cold enough at work that i can put on a sweater and hide my bloatedness. i suppose drinking some black coffee could always help. aha. okay. i'm starting to sound like rich.

work is going well, which means super busy, which means bringing work stuff home with me to do. oh well.

im going to disneyland in a couple of weeks, which i'm really looking forward to. haven't had any vacations this summer yet, so anything counts! plus we're actually staying in a hotel and doing the whole park hopper thing--which definitely qualifies for an official vacation. still wouldn't mind doing a road trip or something, or maybe saving up some money to go to the east coast in the fall (boston? new england?).

ok. back to being bloated...

music: SomaFM- secret agent & indie pop rocks! (the connection keeps getting lost!)
mood: one guess...


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