Tuesday, July 11, 2006

a very merry unbirthday to me... to me...

mood: awake.
music: sofmaFM- indie pop rocks! station. (it's the only online radio station i can hear!)

so technically its my unbirthday, since it's not actually my birthday anymore. though it was on saturday... so going by nicolekkah standards its still on. i had a nice day--spent it with family which was nice. i got some nice, useful gifts, which was good. thanks everyone. you are all awesome.

a reminder to myself: visit 15-minute hipster & 15 minutes to live blogs for new music.

best thing about birthdays (besides the attention), the free lunches!:

(haha. funny ("bad") camera phone pictures). thanks to my co-workers for the free japanese food. yum-yum.)

that's all for now. gotta go and buy some snacks for our staff meeting.


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