Wednesday, July 12, 2006

not motivated.

mood: unfocused
music: none at the moment.

not motivated to work that is. havent had a lunch break. have spent nearly 7 hours of my day inputing information onto the computer for our state progress report. F-U-N. not.

i'm motivated to do many other things though. they are: play tennis. read my newsweek. read the kite runner. upload the photos to flickr (sis' wedding, birthday, joe's wedding, etc.). motivated to watch the premiere of project runway 3 & munch on bread, cheese and fig (joce you're gonna miss out!). i'm motivated to write blogs. i'm motivated to plan fun events with the youth (bowling & movie nights). i'm motivated to work on the summer training program in august.

i'm so bored right now. i'm more bored than i can ever remember. i'm also hungry and i'm going to try and hold out until dinner time because tyler is taking me out for dinner. i'm thinking chili's. i have a craving for their buffalo chicken salad. that stuffs good. plus then i'll have enough room for the project runway muchies.

i finally listened to some new music today. new neko case. GOOD. new snow patrol. also good. new alias album. LOVELY.

now i want to go home and watch more of battlestar galactica. NERD. i know.

my heart is beating really fast. something weird is going on with it. i have a heart murmur.


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