Tuesday, May 30, 2006

3-day weekend sponsored by george foreman...

mood: tweaking (coffee!!$@#!)

me & nate got a george foreman grill this weekend and it rules. on sunday we cooked up some turkey burgers then last night a turkey "pork loin" and it was mmm mmm good. the rice i made was another story... =D

i saw mission impossible 3 yesterday. it was enjoyable... since i had never seen the other two, i had no comparison to make. i do like philip seymor hoffman as the bad guy and i liked j j abrams when i saw him at wondercon this year. i have to say fuck you to AMC saratoga for not having matinee shows. LAME.

tonight we're going to see the da vinci code with my dad. FINALLY. i dont care what all the haters are saying... i don't care that the dialogue is cheesy and that things seem to fit nicely as the plot unravels... that's what mystery-adventure stories are like! besides, what do you expect when it's directed by opie?

next up: x-men... which i know is definitely not gonna beat x-2, but i'm sure it will still be enjoyable.

and now random pictures just because they're too cute (and in honor of puppy time--the greatest mall store EVER!)

(boston terrier = nates fave, puggle = my fave!)


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