Tuesday, May 30, 2006

3-day weekend sponsored by george foreman...

mood: tweaking (coffee!!$@#!)

me & nate got a george foreman grill this weekend and it rules. on sunday we cooked up some turkey burgers then last night a turkey "pork loin" and it was mmm mmm good. the rice i made was another story... =D

i saw mission impossible 3 yesterday. it was enjoyable... since i had never seen the other two, i had no comparison to make. i do like philip seymor hoffman as the bad guy and i liked j j abrams when i saw him at wondercon this year. i have to say fuck you to AMC saratoga for not having matinee shows. LAME.

tonight we're going to see the da vinci code with my dad. FINALLY. i dont care what all the haters are saying... i don't care that the dialogue is cheesy and that things seem to fit nicely as the plot unravels... that's what mystery-adventure stories are like! besides, what do you expect when it's directed by opie?

next up: x-men... which i know is definitely not gonna beat x-2, but i'm sure it will still be enjoyable.

and now random pictures just because they're too cute (and in honor of puppy time--the greatest mall store EVER!)

(boston terrier = nates fave, puggle = my fave!)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

what not to say to a female...

mood: annoyed.

a co-worker of mine that i generally refer to as the ewok just told me it looks like i've gained a little weight... he noticed on my face. thanks. thanks a lot.

older men sometimes lack tact. he then tried to make it seem more like a compliment when he said something along the lines of at least it just makes me a have a chubbier face, unlike with him where its more around his belly (a little hard to make out because of his thick vietnamese accent).

dang. thats mean.

well... time for me to take my chubby ass and go to a training.

Friday, May 19, 2006

screw you!

ya'll don't wanna comment on my photos, well then fine!!!! no more photo/posts.

i'm off to san diego and la this weekend! woowhoo should arrive around 3 in the morning. gonna take a field trip to petco park. yay!

that's all for now.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

walkin/rollin' to his own beat....

more wedding photos... this time of the ring bearer...

my nephew is the cutest.... Posted by Picasa

don't mind me... im just learnin' to walk. its way less embarassing then the coxe family dance... =D

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

penis cupcakes are awesome.

bachelorette parties are a great excuse to overuse penis' in your decorations....

yummy. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

new discoveries...

my sister called me last night to excitedly tell me that avi was on the front page of the sacramento bee. RAD. here's the link. i need to call this guy at some point (when he's back from tour).

also, i found a
livejournal of jocelyn's! i just spent about 20 minutes or so reading some of the old entries and reminicing about some of the times we've shared together. i especially enjoyed the popscene reference to me being fun because of my drunkeness. its true. popscene aint fun unless you're drunk.

well its after 6 and im officially off work. i spent two hours in a pandemic flu training today. my favorite moment of the training: when someone asked "should we stop feeding birds, then?"

yesterday i upgraded my flickr to a pro-account which means you can be expecting some updates on there. especially of the recent wedding and bachelorette party. though... i might have to edit some of the incriminating ones of berenice, cuz i dont wanna pussy-block.

on that note, time to leave. kscu ("more than a feelin'") softball game happening in half an hour.

peace bitches.

congratulations rachel & ben

me and the bride... my little sister. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 11, 2006

berenice copies scarlett...

berenice is gonna do my hair like this for the wedding..........

pretty. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

have a craving...?

mood: satisfied (thanks to this vending machine snickers bar)

two interesting random news tidbits of the day: colbert CENSORed & baghdad set HBO COMEDY.

i've decided that after checking out some of my friends pages on flickr that i need to stop being lazy with the photos, and ive been inspired to post a photo a day on this blog... (when 'net/digi.cam. accessible). plus i am planning to update the flickr site more often (even though i have a free account which means limited uploading).

of course, here and now would be the appropriate time to post one, but my camera is at home, and i am not. so i promise i will do that later.

rediscovery: music for america... rediscovery in that i would like get involved with them again, more than i am now.

well almost time to take my truck in for it's oil change.... yippee for coupons from precision auto tune.