Thursday, November 17, 2005

O'Reilly to San Francisco: "[I]f Al Qaeda comes in here and blows you up, we're not going to do anything about it. ...

i'm here at work still... around 7:20 p.m. they keep shutting the lights off on me.. because county employees generally call it a day by 5:30, latest. goodness gracious, whats a girl doing working til 7:20 p.m.?

any way... basically im catching up on my blogs, news, gossip, etc... and i came across bill o'reilly's latest moronic comments about san francisco's political views as a city. lets just say i've gotten very distracted by this... yes i'm put off by his comments, yes im annoyed, yes im a little scared, but im also a little entertained. this guy is something. i recommend reading the transcripts . they are pretty great. he says the same thing OVER and OVER. he continues to throw out 9/11 as a reason for going to war, but what does that have to do with IRAQ? these same stupid arguements. any way... read the transcripts and follow the links to delve deeper into the story because it does make for a good read. to entice you... here are a few choice quotes that i found especially brilliant:

If I were President Bush, I would just go in and say, “Alright, that’s fine. You don’t want to help us in World War III? We’re just gonna withhold federal funding, except for children’s programs.”

You know, this is the hallmark of the left: Cheap shot everybody. Come out with the most insane things you can. Convince your Kool-Aid drinking crowd to follow you. Look, San Francisco is a beautiful city. It is now a disgraceful city. You can’t even walk around the city without seeing people doing appalling things in the streets.

What I said isn’t controversial. What I said needed to be said. I’m sitting here and I’m looking at a city that has absolutely no clue of what the world is. Yet the left-wing, selfish, Land of Oz philosophy that the media and the city politicians have embraced out there is an absolute intellectual disgrace.

You know, if I'm the president of the United States, I walk right into Union Square, I set up my little presidential podium, and I say, "Listen, citizens of San Francisco, if you vote against military recruiting, you're not going to get another nickel in federal funds. Fine. You want to be your own country? Go right ahead."

im getting tired of reading about san francisco as being all left-wing liberals... there are some amazingly progressively-minded advocates in san francisco. there's a huge difference between the two... and really i could go on for days about this crap, but i will let you read for yourself and form your own opinions.

besides... im hungry and korean bbq is calling me.

nicole, your abscent blogger...


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