Friday, September 09, 2005

more brooding and melo-drama on a thursday evening...

mood: happy!!!
music: nada. just the sound of my hungry tummy.

so last nights season premiere of the oc can basically be summed up by the following observations:

- show starts off with a brief re-cap of the dramatic tales of last season, kirsten becomes a drunk, gets into a car accident, father dies, drinks some more, has intervention, goes off to rehab. seth and summer enjoy their romance. ryan's brother comes into town, trys to rape marissa, ryan finds out, tries to kill him, marissa shoots trey (ryan's brother). then starts season 3...
- season begins... trey is in a coma, cuz the writers are too pussy to kill him off.
- police questions all-involved, form a plan to frame ryan for the murder, despite marissa's confession.
- at some point, seth makes witty comment about iTUNES and ryan broods a lot.
- enter julie cooper. aahh. the oc's only remaining villian (rip caleb nichols).
- the widowed mrs. cooper makes some threats, things get all twisty and dramatic, and all this basically ends with the frequently versed marissa line, "stay out of my life."
- observation: marissa looks more waify than ever. and peter gallagher's eyebrows are looking better than ever.
- kirsten doesnt want to leave rehab, because the show needs another villian (which looks to be a mini-kirsten, who is in rehab with her). mini-kirsten villian seems lame. need further proof.
- show basically ends resolved, with trey going away, leaving ryan and marissa to carry on with their boring relationship.
i took my fifteen minute break here at work so that i could call and wish my little (and only) sister a happy birthday. shes 22 today. no answer so i left her a message. i spend my break hanging out in my truck, listening to the end of fanali's movie hop show, and im happy to hear a familiar and loud voice. thats right folks... FACO IS BACK. i missed that guy and his spiderman glove.

any way, their show was ending, so i switched it over to the rewind at noon, and was pleased to hear them reading an email about bob mould... growing up in the household i did, i have my dad to thank for getting me into bands such as husker du, the replacements, wire and generation x. so.. listening to them talk about bob mould... i knew it would either be a husker du, or sugar song. i desperately wanted to hear sugar and worked my voodoo magic, and lo-and-behold, "if i can't change your mind" came on. and this song, is hands down one of my all-time favorite songs, EVER. it made me HAPPY. then the next request was for lenny kravitz, so i took that as a tell-tale sign that my break was over. i cant stand lenny kravitz. bleck.

ive spent the majority of my day so far reading blogs (caught up on the life of kevin smith and discovered that he's doing an episode of joey, and that he is in love w/ veronica mars, and i read some other political blogs that just made me angry, so i stopped), and compiling boxes of materials for tomorrow's park event. my truck is now packed with bibs, first-aid kits and various other freebies.

last night i spent some time going through the many songs from various blogs that ive been wanting to stream/download. ive heard most of the new kayne west album... though in truncated format, since the freebies dont contain the full song, just about half of it. i heard the new ashlee simpson song... "boyfriend". ahahhaha. she rules. the song does sound a little hot hot heat-ish. any way. i watched the subtle video for "FKO", which is rumored to mean, "Fuck Kelly Osbourne", but who knows. that video was rad though. it has a ton of cute little japanese inspired robot/blockhead cartoony stuff. i checked out the bjorkestra-stuff that i think was on the stereogum blog, but i cant be sure. it was a jazzy version of bjorks, "army of me." lastly, i checked out the special tv on the radio tune, "dry drunk emperor" that was recorded and inspired by the events of hurricane katrina. *sigh* i did not vote for the man. there's tons of more stuff i want to check out when i have some time. probably tonite when i get home. YES! a day that ends at 5-o'clock! i am thrilled.

this weekend... hmmm, besides working most of saturday, will be spent catching up on the 10+ chapters i need to read for school, spending time with laura, spending time w/ the gallagher brothers & my boy.


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