Wednesday, September 07, 2005

the weight of the world, falls straight on your shoulders..

mood: drained & hungry
music: her space holiday- the past presents the future

i'm tired. today is a looonng day for me. im hungry. i was running late this morning so i didnt have time to bring something to eat. since i have no money, this poses a problem. so far ive eaten some grapes & a piece of melon (left over by one of my co-workers who left it in the kitchen), and the rest of my mustard pretzels left over from yesterday. thus... i have to wait until i get out of class around 9 p.m. to eat again. blah. so im a little on the tired and cranky side.

then this morning i had a lapse in my memory that for some reason made me think my first class (bowling) was to start at 9 a.m., so i was rushing across campus and got to the student union bowling alley and the door was locked. so i waited around and then they opened it up, and i was sitting around and no one was there. finally some girls came in and i asked them if the teacher planned on showing up, and that was when they reminded me that class actually started at 9:30. oh well. i could have made my self a sandwich or read for some of my classes, but nooooo. i had to be stupid instead.

i do get to go and see oasis for free on sunday though. im excited about that. :)

here's a top ten list of things that would make me happy right now:
1. to go home and eat.
2. to go home and sleep.
3. to go home and watch a netflix.
4. to go home and watch t.v.
5. a thai-iced tea/mocha cooler.
6. a hug.
7. a beer.
8. chili-cheese fries. (i have a craving)
9. hearing the new kanye west album.
10. someone telling me they love me.


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