Friday, November 18, 2005

go... gamma... go

yeti shirts! weenie-dog purses! i want! i want! i want! well... somethings i want to buy as gifts for people. i would like a little weenie-dog purse though. they are adorable. have no idea what im talking about? check out the gamma go sale tomorrow! or at least look at their stuff online.

so much stuff to do this weekend... gza show tonite (hopefully i won't piss off any big guys with my beligerant drunk ways... like last time), teshia's bday dinner, sharks game, MOVIES galore... walk the line & harry potter, softball double headers.... and a midterm on monday. it makes me happy also to think how i only have 2-3 days of work next week. and that i get paid again on wednesday (or technically tuesday @ midnite). AND THAT IT'S ALMOST THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!! i get hungry just thinking about it.

well its past my getting off of work time... i want to go home and sit my ass on the couch and watch an hour or so of tv before i have to leave to go out for the nite.

last parting words: wal-mart pisses me off.


Blogger Avi said...

Hey Nicole!! Harry Potter was so good.. I was the only person dressed up at 12:01 (FIRST screening), quidich robes, with a 40 of Hornbey's.. Jessica has not read it yet so I can't nerd-out/discuss the significance of the movie/book differences.. anyway, I couldn't sleep and just lurked your myspace and blog, um.. HI!

4:27 AM, November 21, 2005  

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