Wednesday, August 31, 2005

i sold my soul for the second time.

mood: upbeat
music: oasis- don't believe the truth

we had our fitness test in my running ("jogging") class today. i got a 45 on the flexibility test, which is good. the highest is like 50... i'll get there. ;) luckily the batteries ran out on the machine that tests your % of body fat. i have an extra week to work on that one. ha. and then we were timed on a 1.5 mile run. i did allllllllright. i beat some guys and some girls. it hurt a lot less than the 30 minute walk/run thing we did on monday. thus... i feel like im improving. i still need to buy shoes and someone to help me with breathing techniques, do those help? any way. it still took about an hour for the color of my face to go back to normal... man was i red. gave me quite a bit of energy... though im starting to fade, and im sure im gonna be fairly exhausted by the time my class ends tonite at 8:45.

but... i did get a working computer back from my dad yesterday, so i plan on hooking that up tonite. which means... MORE BLOGGING. we'll mmmmaybe. actually i plan on catching up on the reviews that i owe eid & kscu... they have been collecting dust for the past month, and i suck.

congrats to the kscu softball team for the first win of this short season. their new team name is craig's-shroom-headed kscu djs & friends... well its a working title.

speaking of kscu... i found out this past monday during my show that the burner worked so i went to town. i burned about fifteen cds... which ones you ask? these:

oasis- definitely maybe
killers- hot fuss
kaiser chiefs- employment
sage francis- a healthy distrust
diplo- florida
pernice brothers- discover a lovelier you
elkland- golden
annie- anniemal
felt 2: a tribute to lisa bonet
m.i.a.- arular
snow patrol- final straw
snow patrol- when its all over
the free design- the now sound redesigned
the go! team- thunder, lightning, strike
architecture in helsinki- in case we die

ok. off to a school for a meeting.... exciting blog post, i know. but you still read it so =P


Thursday, August 25, 2005

i guess we'll just have to adjust....

mood: cheeky & cheery
music: arcade fire- funeral (fuck people on craigs list for selling tickets for 75 bucks. lame asses.)

the day started out well. i managed to not feel extremely exhausted when i woke up this morning. which is unusual. i drag myself out of bed and put on a replayed (i dont have tivo, yo) real world austin from this week. that show is so stupid. then i did my morning exercises, which im very happy with myself that ive been keeping up with. i rule. then i decided i had time to watch an episode of gilmore girls season 3 (rory disses dean... AGAIN for jess). any way. i was too lazy to shower... i havent showered in like 3 days. gross. :) but i know i have a short day today, so i figure im not stinky (i'm not!), so i can last. plus its been all cubicle work this week so no one really has to smell me if i do stink. so =P.

i have impressed myself with my eating habits lately. i actually go to the grocery store and buy fruit. :) and i eat it. today to work i brought the following items: yogurt (boysenberry--its my favorite!), a banana, a plum and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

any way. i get into work and check my email and there's an email from my instructor for my biostats class telling us that all the lab classes are canceled until he holds the lecture class. SWEET. my class was supposed to be today. so instead, i finish up work at 2:30 and get to go home early! now i can take a shower, watch my netflix (the notebook, deadwood, and overnight- this documentary on troy duffy that kevin smith's blog told me to check out), and do other stuff.

i really miss my computer. being such a blog whore can be draining when i find all this awesome stuff i wanna download or listen to, and my work computer won't let me !!!!!!! booooooooooo!!!! i need to call my dad and force him to work on it, since i doubt he has even started. i havent even heard the new her space holiday album yet! someone burn it for me until it comes out in stores!!

im looking forward to this weekend. relaxing. school is gonna kick my ass this semester and two of my probably most time-consuming classes i havent even had yet. my bowling class is a combined intermediate/advanced class. we have to maintain an average above 120. i was intimidated at first, but i realized 120 is not so bad. especially once i learn all the fancy techniques. we are also going to have to compete amongst eachother in individual and team competitions. kinda scary. and my running class... man. why did i sign up for this class again? we have to jog around the campus! around the perimeter. so please, if you see me, dont laugh at me. :) oh well. at least i will be getting in awesome shape. i need to buy running shoes. dsw here i come. hopefully i wont be tempted to buy other cute girly shoes... cuz im going through MAJOR fucking shoe withdrawals.

two shows that were just announced that i might want to go to:
death cab for cutie/stars @ the warfield: 11/13.
broken social scene @ grand ballroom: 11/9.

anchor steam brewery tour is tomorrow, so today is my friday! :)

this blog is all over the place. time to go.

i love the arcade fire and im glad ive seen them twice already or else those craigslisters might have a sucker-customer. tho.. they are fucking rad live...

Friday, August 19, 2005

i have problems.

current mood: excited and happy!! (coldplay!!!!! & korean food!!!!)
current music: foo fighters- in your honor (disc 2--i still have a fat crush on dave grohl).

disovered another blog. ha. i found this one cause i was stalking myself and she posted about my kscu dj alter-ego, and two other kscu djs; bardot and clarity. any way. this right hu-ere is the blog. the post im referring to, is here. interesting. well. not really. any way. she posts A LOT.

i also posted links to some more blogs that ive recently discovered..on the sidebar, yo.

my computer is at the doctor. well, at my dad's work. hes attempting to fix the problems its been having. such as re-booting every time i log in, or just plain ol' freezing up. fucking useless machine. hes going to get me some equipment to help prevent this from happening in the future. 'bout time. ive always been the computer neglected one in the family. "oh nicole doesnt care about technology-related shit, just get her anything." while this is true, i still like my low-grade products to at least function. hopefully it should be fixed before school begins on wednesday.

i also applied to be part of a focus group for women about car care. hahaha. as most of you know, im not really that caring when it comes to my truck. two big cracks in my windshield, dunno even when my last oil change was, hasnt been washed in over a year. the two hour focus group pays 75 bucks though! i really need that 75 dollars. they better select me.

coldplay concert is tonite. we'll be parking ourselves somewhere high up on the lawn, tho this time i'll be smart enough to bring a blanket to sit on. and warm clothes cuz it gets pretty cold there at night.

dunno if anyone, besides the one person i know for sure, listens to howard stern in the mornings. but i have been pretty much listening daily and today was pretty hilarious. willie nelson was on, and one of howard's cast of characters--jeff the drunk, made a deal to behave if he could come in to meet him. shit was hilarious. they sang a duet together and that shit was better than elton john and kiki dee. okay. that reference makes no sense, but you catch my drift---BITCH.

had indian food last night. mmmmm. royal taj indian food on camden is still fucking delicious. the curry chicken makhanwala or whatever is THE DISH! shit is sooooooooooooo good. mmm mmm mmmmmmmmm. j-town korean food for lunch to celebrate mine and lorna's pay-day! ive been waiting for this for two weeks! just one more hour to go.......

Thursday, August 18, 2005

are you the music snob of my dreams?

i spend way too much time online. reading blogs. finding enjoyment from people who have a similar dry sense of humor to me.

thus... when i discovered the blog that hosted this picture, i was quite happy. i laughed out loud and was very pleased. that picture is now my wallpaper here at work. oh. and the actual blog that had the link/posting for this is called, "rock snob: because we're better and we know it." you can find it here.

ive decided i want a job where i can surf the internet all day long. can google hire me? or better yet, i'd like a job where i surf the internet all day, then write about what i find. an internet surfing journalist! come on! ive seen people who have this job. they arent any better than me, and who cares if all i have is two years of journalism in high school. ive taken a couple of journalism classes at san jose state! doesnt years of blogging and being a music nerd/pop culture junkie count for something? especially with my sparkling personality!

and if i cant have a job like that, i think ill just go back to customer service type jobs. a job where i can see an end to the day. jobs where there requires no self-motivation to complete work. jobs where its just something that you HAVE to do. you HAVE to serve the price-complaining, whining fucking bitch of a customer their tub of artery-clogging greasy buttered popcorn. they give you the five bucks for it, you give them their receipt and tell them to enjoy their movie. you HAVE to clean up the large soda that has spilled for the THIRD time because people don't listen when you tell them to carry their cups from the bottom. and you HAVE to give them their money back when the film breaks down because 16-year-olds who are getting paid $5.75 are running the projectors. well i dont want to go back to working at a movie theater. i could work in a bookstore, maybe a used one to keep some hipster-points or something. perhaps i could work at a video store. do you think bradley video is hiring? i always liked working at mrs. fields. free cookies and milk whenever i want. yeah.

where's my snack-pack?

here's my top ten favorite things to do when i go home during lunch (pg-rated version ;)

10. eat blueberries and watch vh1 countdown polls.
9. eat ice cream/popscicle. i think i have one drumstick left!!!
8. determine a way to get out of going back to work. (always fail)
7. lie down and not think, and just relax.
6. scan for weird biographies on the tv.
5. start watching a netflix movie.
4. read. more anton chekhov short stories for later.
3. exercise.
2. make a sandwich (today will be tuna fish again).
1. watch replayed gilmore girls.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

amusement by blogs.

funny read in the morning ---> JT to Gwen: "Kizz My Black Azz" gossiping bitches is awesome. definitely check it out. well its good when they actually update.

summer is near over. one more week and i'll be in school, bowling & jogging, and doing some bio-stats and other nonsense. ive been doing a ton of reading lately. almost finished with philip k. dick's time out of joint which is getting pretty good. in fact, i wish i wasnt working so i could just be reading. miramax/sundance/indie film doc. is picking up too now that kevin smith and quentin are taking over.

ummm. music. im seriously lagging. i need to find out if the burner in the kscu studio works because i have some catching up to do.

stuff i need to burn:
* the go team! * pernice brothers * felt 2 * proem * four tet * beck (all three albums/remix stuff) * prefuse 73 (new ep) * the free design (remix album) * daedelus * lali puna * sufjan stevens * annie * architecture in helsinki * oasis * kaiser chiefs * m.i.a. * boom bip * loquat * elkland * snow patrol * feist *

stuff i want to buy:
*the new white stripes (i would burn this--if i could) * the new ponys ep * new pornographers- twin cinema * clap your hands say yeah *

upcoming shows i will definitely be at:
*coldplay, 8/19 * new pornographers, 8/24 * her space holiday, 9/20 * new pornographers, 9/27 * hold steady, 10/18 * broadcast/gravenhurst, 10/28 *

shows i'd like to go to, but we'll see:
*ted leo, 9/7 * oasis/kasabian, 9/11 * feist, 9/17 * 13 & god, 9/30 * download festival: killers, arcade fire, doves, 10/8 * architecture in helsinki, 10/18 *

Thursday, August 04, 2005

happy as a girl that lives in a world of make-believe.

mood: cheerful
music: the cure- acoustic hits

my friend avi went undercover at the national young republicans conference in vegas. he wrote an article about it. i read it all. i enjoyed it. :) i recommend reading through it.

i watched the film, "wild at heart", last nite. had the more twin peaks-y david lynch feel to it, which is definitely better than the current "mullholland drive" david lynch. bleck. i liked nick cage in the film. then again, i always love that guy. it was actually a pretty good movie. willem dafoe was pretty great too.

finished reading craig thompson's blankets. i have no idea why it took me so long to read this. i started and finished it all in one day... not a hard task, as its a graphic novel. it was very good, as i knew it would be based on the recommendations of eidelyn, avi, teshia and jocelyn. thanks joce for lending it to me, and sorry i had it forever! :)

now ive started reading kurt vonnegut's slaughterhouse-five. and im still hacking away at the rise of independent film, miramax and sundance biography. its a bit of a task, the author needed better organization of topics, but at least its beginning to pick up w/ the intro of quentin tarantino, and more films that i actually recognize. robert redford is a bit of a prat. (ive been reading too many books by british authors... i blame nick hornby).

i wouldnt mind reading this. ha-ha. well maybe id check it out from the library.