Monday, July 31, 2006

going indie-major.

weird. the ponys have signed to matador. hmmm. i guess that's kinda cool. cool for in the red--hoping it means a little more press and awareness for them. btw--they are one of the raddest rock'n'roll labels around. i wish the ponys much success on matador.

here's the news from the matador newsletter:

After months of wining, dining, and more than a little dying, we're very
happy to announce that the amazing Chicago quartet THE PONYS have been signed to a worldwide, multi-album pact with Matador Records.Toiling since the year 2000, the band's two album highly acclaimed albums for the terrific In The Red label, 2004's Jim Diamond-helmed 'Laced With Romance' and 2005's Steve Albini-assisted 'Celebration Castle' have been stereo fixtures for smart, savvy rock fans across the globe.Like many of our other favorites, new and otherwise, the Ponys' uncanny meditation on the great guitar bands of New York, Boston, Los Angeles and Manchester circa 1976-1983 ultimately come through with a voice all their own. Though we think they've already got a couple of modern classics under
their belt, the new material we've heard from 2006's gigging hints at their most
ambitious work to date, and one they'll begin work on very soon....with
subsequent worldwide release on Matador in 2007.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

bay area art scenesterdom.

found a cool local blog/website/thing going on. it's called check it out (jocelyn i had you in mind--with your pretentious little art things you go to. =)

mood: caffienated & content.
music: buck 65- this right here is buck 65

Thursday, July 13, 2006

coffee + star wars = caffienated nerd.

coffee spot: roasted coffee bean. favorite item: mocha cooler.
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

not motivated.

mood: unfocused
music: none at the moment.

not motivated to work that is. havent had a lunch break. have spent nearly 7 hours of my day inputing information onto the computer for our state progress report. F-U-N. not.

i'm motivated to do many other things though. they are: play tennis. read my newsweek. read the kite runner. upload the photos to flickr (sis' wedding, birthday, joe's wedding, etc.). motivated to watch the premiere of project runway 3 & munch on bread, cheese and fig (joce you're gonna miss out!). i'm motivated to write blogs. i'm motivated to plan fun events with the youth (bowling & movie nights). i'm motivated to work on the summer training program in august.

i'm so bored right now. i'm more bored than i can ever remember. i'm also hungry and i'm going to try and hold out until dinner time because tyler is taking me out for dinner. i'm thinking chili's. i have a craving for their buffalo chicken salad. that stuffs good. plus then i'll have enough room for the project runway muchies.

i finally listened to some new music today. new neko case. GOOD. new snow patrol. also good. new alias album. LOVELY.

now i want to go home and watch more of battlestar galactica. NERD. i know.

my heart is beating really fast. something weird is going on with it. i have a heart murmur.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

a very merry unbirthday to me... to me...

mood: awake.
music: sofmaFM- indie pop rocks! station. (it's the only online radio station i can hear!)

so technically its my unbirthday, since it's not actually my birthday anymore. though it was on saturday... so going by nicolekkah standards its still on. i had a nice day--spent it with family which was nice. i got some nice, useful gifts, which was good. thanks everyone. you are all awesome.

a reminder to myself: visit 15-minute hipster & 15 minutes to live blogs for new music.

best thing about birthdays (besides the attention), the free lunches!:

(haha. funny ("bad") camera phone pictures). thanks to my co-workers for the free japanese food. yum-yum.)

that's all for now. gotta go and buy some snacks for our staff meeting.