Monday, February 06, 2006

monday lazy monday...

music: none.
mood: tired but happy.

i think im still recovering from lack of sleep over the weekend and mostly due to saturday night. though ive gotten quite a bit of work done this morning... and now im just stalling so that i can wait until as long as possible to take my lunch hour... which will be spent at home eating leftover superbowl snacks and watching the first part of "cool hand luke".

speaking of the superbowl... there were some lame-ass commercials. i think car commercials should be banned from being able to advertise during the superbowl. my favorite was the fedex commercial (they must have some talented advertising folks cuz they hold the title for their dancing one from last year). but i loved the fedex one w/ the cavemen. hands down... best commercial. i thought it was odd also that philip seymore hoffman is going to be the bad guy in "Mission Impossible 3." weird. any way... didnt actually make it up to alex's superbowl, and began watching it a tad bit late, but it was still a nice and mellow sunday that including eating a lot of foods that my stomach wasnt too happy about.

saturday night. hahaha. girls night out in santa cruz. me. berenice. jocelyn. nicole. lulu. yubani. i will sum it all up in one phrase increments. four bars. dancing. drinking. puking. not me. me = designated dave. first red room. guiness. apple martinis. lemon drops. many for lulu. vodka tonic. gin and tonic. bloody mary. salad. haha. good conversation. laughs. next blue lagoon. dancing. horrendous music. my humps. my lovely lady lumps. coatcheck. blond drunk girl. likes lulu. extra cash. vodka cranberries. more bad music. next bar. catalyst. bad break dancing. another vodka cranberry. next bar. dakota. better music. more dancing. drunken states. photos being taken. last call. 50 cent. depeche mode. my humps. my lovely lady lumps. more dancing. more photos. laffy taffy. nicole knows all the words. haha. stupid song. bar closes. people drunk. back to blue lagoon. recovered lost coat. people still too drunk. head to saturn cafe. crowded. toga. medusa. vegans. santa cruzans. waited. seated. ate. lulu drunker. yubani does impressions of puking. we laugh. nicole won't eat a french fry. lulu out of it. pay check. walk to truck. drive. highway 17, truck puked in, on, and outside of. ewwww. yuck. gag. gag some more. wipe off. drive some more. freezing. lark ave, truck puked in, on, and otuside of again. ewwwwwwww again. much apologizing. tired. get lulu home. clean truck. clean some more. me & joce back to my house. next day, clean some more. nathan grossed out. take his truck instead. monday, clean some more. gag some more. lorna, gag some more. laugh. laugh some more.

hahah. taking care of drunk friends.... sometimes funny sometimes not. i still love lulu, but girllll... learn to stick your head further out the window!!! hahaha.

was still a lot of fun...

ok. time for lunch.


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