Friday, January 13, 2006

happy friday the 13th...

thank goodness its friday. is it just me or has this week felt entirely too long? im waiting for lorna so we can go get coffee... tho, most likely i'll just wait to have some with tyler when we go and eat dinner.

ive decided to skip out on the "passion party" that my sister invited me to go to tonite. basically its a company that comes in to sell you sex toys. sounds kinda sorority girl-ish to me. plus... i dont really have money to spend. ;) any way. ive traded the passion party in for helping out the boy with fundraiser duties, cuz im nice and i like helping people out with stuff. plus... it feels like a good night to just kinda stay home and chill and watch netflix, drink coffee/tea and lounge about.

my intersession teacher is horrendous. seriously. some people arent meant to become teachers. oh well. seven class sessions left.

ok. well time to go..... more later.


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