Thursday, December 29, 2005

lego my eggos...

over the christmas break i remembered how hard legos + putting things together (bionacles) can be. it really tests your patience.

did anyone else find eggos to be really nasty?

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

'tis the season to get presents...

here's a lovely photo exhibit of some of my christmas gifts.... =) im getting nerdy or updated with my camera and photo programs/software. =^)

old-fashioned popcorn maker! everyone knows that im a tad bit popcorn obsessed (and seasoning obsessed--hence the selection of seasoning located in the cabinet of my popcorn maker).... so this gift is my favorite one this year (and one of my tops of all time). thank you to a very nice boy in my life. now i can be ultra nerdy and pop my own popcorn before jetting off to the movies.

i also got a lot of gift cards this year.... so the clothes below are all things that i actual
ly picked up for myself. but thanks to tyler, lulu and my mom for enabling the day-after-christmas shopping to be so successful. i managed to pull together and purchase one winter green coat (shown), three plain t-shirts (white, mustard, and lavendar), white work shirt, a greyish blue pullover sweater, earings (pictures next to the dylan photo album), and a cute long-sleeved snoopy shirt. not bad. my sister made me the photo album of dylan. its very cute. she also gave me two shirts and needed items for my camera (camera bag, rechargable batteries and a charger). plus she gave me her nomad which she no longer needs cuz she's all fancy with her video ipod.

my parents gave me the nice cuisinart cookware set. its something i actually needed, which is nice to not have to spend money to buy. i'd like to start spending more time cooking or at least trying to cook. =) really.

for more photos of my gifts... visit my flickr site...

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

that's some good reasons.

been a bit preoccupied today with blogs, reading news, flickr and adsense. yeah. i added some stuff to this useless blog. check out the side panel. click on my google ads to earn me some cents. purty-please?

im just about off work now. had no lunch break today, so i get to go home and eat spinach dip and watch replayed gilmore girls/sex in the city on dvd (most likely choice).

i will update about my x-mas vacation shortly (w/ photos included), but for now i will conclude by saying that it was a really nice time, especially it having been the first time away from my family.

peace out for now....

Thursday, December 22, 2005

happy egg-noggin' & present openin' to all...

i got the most wonderful gift last night--an old-fashioned popcorn maker on the roller wheel-cart! it rules. its nice having a boy who loves me to give me such a nice gift. now i can have popcorn parties. popcorn parties in my house... MY HOUSE... (sung to the tune of lcd soundsystem's "daft punk is playing in my house"). i also got some very nice gifts from my parents last nite, and a nice gift that allows me to go shopping from tyler. awww. i've missed shopping.

any way. just wanted to wish everyone a merry christmas & happy holidays.

Monday, December 19, 2005

the time it takes to get from here to there...

mood: nerdy & nostalgic & journalistic
music: mix cd i made two years ago... (that dog, the ponys, weakerthans, the network, mates of state, moving units, strokes, new pornographers, the walkmen, etc)-- ALL THESE SONGS RULE!

back in music nerd mode (and blogging nerd mode). at least for today. i started off browsing the myspace music site... figuring out a new song to add to my profile. not really too nerdy. i ended up getting a little late to work as a result, oh well. i settled on stars- your ex-lover is dead... mostly because i just wanted to hear that song again (and im planning on picking up the album sometime today... mmmmaybe).

so then i picked out some cds that i havent heard in awhile. one... im almost embarassed to admit was the anniversary. but they're good for the car. then i listened to annie- heartbeat... one of my favorite singles of the year--hands down. its too catchy to ignore.

i started writing down some songs for mix-cds that id like to make for people... thus if i have some time this week, that is what im going to do. being abscent from kscu for the past six months has been good, but now im kinda missing the new music... and knowing whats coming out, and whats overrated, and what not. once i got into work i checked out pitchfork to see whats going on for their year end lists.... they, as always, had too much to say on that subject... basically i need to spend more time on the internet, is what im sayin'. ;) im not ready to go back to kscu yet.

sometime this week i will try to pull together my top ten albums of the year list.

reading through my blogs this morning i discovered this really cute little "toy" store called blobby farm. the little stuffed animals (?) are so adorable. a little pricey, but very cute. i already bought some gifts for my nephew though, so maybe they will be of use to someone else. haha. i think they are probably more enticing for older folks any way... i like shark dog 2 and toothy mchairlip 1.

i graduated this weekend. my ceremony wasnt too bad. one extremely boring guest speaker and a pretty cheezy disney pop group performance... but other than that it was nice, i thought. i will try to post a couple of pictures once i upload them into picasa. and little dylan is the most adorable baby in the world. i will post photos of dylan the elf soon too. i promise. any way, thank you to everyone who came out to my graduation, and took me to dinner (and treated =) and to lunch and for drinks. i love you all.

its almost christmas. my shopping is actually pretty much done. i have one thing to exchange, which i will do today, and then one last thing to pick up (that i already know what it is--it just needs to be fresh when i buy it). =) ive started wrapping, and hopefully i will get most of the rest of them wrapped tonite. this is the first year that i wont be spending christmas with my family. its a little strange, but also nice at the same time. plus hopefully i will get a disneyland trip outta the deal... so i can visit the holiday nightmare before x-mas mansion in its last year (as its getting moved to disneyworld. boo).

i listened to howard stern's last terrestrial radio broadcast on friday. its going to be a little weird not listening to him in the morning. i know that he is rude and silly, but its a nice thing to wake up to in the morning... something not so serious. any way... yahoo has the broadcast on their website. i enjoyed drunk artie's speech the best. unless i decide to get a sirius radio... i will probably just listen to npr or kscu or cds.

i dont know what i want for lunch: korean bbq, cambodian (mmm catfish!), or brazilian (joao's?). maybe i will just run errands and eat something cheap... hmmmm. we'll see.