Wednesday, January 19, 2005

ohh.. mussnt forget the tv.

ok. so i forgot to mention that i also watched american idol last nite for the first time. and... that schizo blonde chick (mary?) is mmmmmmm-AZING! like the candy bar. wow. i love how people are so deluded. it truly is amazing. i have to say... i was bored A LOT of the time during the 45 minutes i watched, and ryan seacrest or whatever is completely obnoxious as you all know. and what the fuck do i care about some stupid jersey band who's lame ass lead singer is ditching is hard rock band to try out for american idol. fuck him, and his bitch-ass temper-tantrum throwing pussy drummer. your band sucked anyway. and fuck ryan seachest arrhahahehehe. i know. im lame.

i probably wont be watching this show again. unless they show more clips of mary.

and when the heck are new episodes gonna start up for all my shows!?!?! DAMNIT!! well, except i did see a preview for the next new gilmore girls and all i have to say is FUCK CHRISTOPHER!!!!!!!!!!! fucking get rid of that lame ass offspring listening biatch. seriously. dont fuck with luke and lorelai miss amy palladino, or you will have one pissed off chick on yer hands.

ok. hope there's a new jack and bobby tonite. :) if not... project runway will suffice.

still listening: the who + the ultimate collection (i love 'i cant explain' plus of course 'the kids are alright... yes i like the poppy stuff.....)....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how the hell did they ban myspace? that sucks. fuck them, just fax notes to me instead... the way they did it in the olden days when AIM wasnt invented...

damn, the only ish i can get down w/ on the WB or UPN is dance 360, that ish rules. more then the third harry potter movie. hahaha sucka.

i hate work.... damn i hate my job. actually i only hate it on mondays & wednesdays. Tuesdays & thursdays are cool and friday works too cause its frigging friday.

thats all for now.


10:52 AM, January 19, 2005  
Blogger n. said...

word. whats dance 360? that sounds incredibly lame.

11:18 AM, January 19, 2005  

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