Sunday, January 30, 2005

movies and randomness.

my top ten films of the year.... that ive seen so far (subject to change)
1. sideways
2. eternal sunshine
3. napoleon dynamite
4. finding neverland
5. kill bill volume 2
6. garden state
7. closer
8. kinsey
9. shaun of the dead
10. the incredibles

-the aviator- boo.

-jude law- boring.

-martin scorsese and leo dicaprio- dont get it.

-kevin spacey- dont direct.

Friday, January 28, 2005

boo to flu-season.

my immune system sucks ass. so does the flu disguised as food poisoning. any way. luckily today ive managed to keep down crackers, which is good, since im at work and dont particularly like barfing in the bathroom stalls here. although it has happened before.

i feel pretty dizzy though. my equilibrium is way off.

whats up with the oc though? when the hell did fucking marissa start reading mojo magazine? what a dumb bitch. and somehow she's all experimental lesbian girl now? is the plan to make all the hot mamma's gay for sweeps? i really hate her character, that waify chick cannot act. im still all about seth and summer. get them back together.

so despite being sick post trip, i did have an awesome time in vegas. i surprisingly didnt get too drunk or anything. i know some of you might be disappointed in that. well im not such a lush anymore, ok. well maybe i am. but anyway. here's some of the highlights in list form.

*walking around ANYWHERE i want with a drink in my hand.
*nate's kero keropi doll dance. aahahaaa.
*sarah + dorky dancer + bad kisser + joaquin + beefcake + beefcakes friends.
*joce bein propositioned by diego luna boy.
*joce being my girlfriend for the nite.
*dollar michelobs/margaritas (mmm.. lime ones yummy)
*nate's homer seizure drooly face at the hat/shredded meat taco place i dont know the name of.
*dancing to booty hip hop and fucking old school shit for two hours.
*jocelyn being late on the words to 'i want you to want me' during karaoke.
*karaoke that night in general. folks were talented bitches. and yes, neil was in the house. :)
*paying 9 bucks for a jack and coke at pure. blah.
*the weird old man at the blackjack table that said i looked like "chick from the fifth element." does that mean i look like an alien?
*the whore-pushing-flyer-pimps on every fucking street corner.
*finally getting my own pillow to use after two nights. :)
*going to the grocery store to pick up barf bags for joe. (tho less amusing after getting sick--still makes the list)
*alien jerkey. alien mobile. alien spaceship. its true. it exists.
*winning the five bucks off video poker that someone forgot to cash out on. :) props to just pushing buttons when you're bored.
*nelly's hang nail. ;)
*spending time with friends.
*spending time with my boy.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

ohh.. mussnt forget the tv.

ok. so i forgot to mention that i also watched american idol last nite for the first time. and... that schizo blonde chick (mary?) is mmmmmmm-AZING! like the candy bar. wow. i love how people are so deluded. it truly is amazing. i have to say... i was bored A LOT of the time during the 45 minutes i watched, and ryan seacrest or whatever is completely obnoxious as you all know. and what the fuck do i care about some stupid jersey band who's lame ass lead singer is ditching is hard rock band to try out for american idol. fuck him, and his bitch-ass temper-tantrum throwing pussy drummer. your band sucked anyway. and fuck ryan seachest arrhahahehehe. i know. im lame.

i probably wont be watching this show again. unless they show more clips of mary.

and when the heck are new episodes gonna start up for all my shows!?!?! DAMNIT!! well, except i did see a preview for the next new gilmore girls and all i have to say is FUCK CHRISTOPHER!!!!!!!!!!! fucking get rid of that lame ass offspring listening biatch. seriously. dont fuck with luke and lorelai miss amy palladino, or you will have one pissed off chick on yer hands.

ok. hope there's a new jack and bobby tonite. :) if not... project runway will suffice.

still listening: the who + the ultimate collection (i love 'i cant explain' plus of course 'the kids are alright... yes i like the poppy stuff.....)....


this weekend im going to vegas. finally. 23 and my first time. im not really much of a gambler, so most of my money will be spent on drinks and food. period. ive always wanted to be able to walk around outside with drinks and not get yelled at by the bouncers standing right i do at the blank club and various other venues. :) im planning on being "just drunk enough" so that i can still remember all that happens. this means, no smoking weed. and no shots of any kind. ??#!@$#@$#%# well. we will see about that one.

more to come on all this...

k. time to get back to work.

now playing: the who + the ultimate collection

Thursday, January 13, 2005

aye. i know.

i know. i know. stupid blogs. i am the WORST at sticking with just one blog.

(EDITED! i am not getting fired.)

so yes. i started up a new blog.

now playing: marvin and tammi + the complete duets