Friday, October 28, 2005

if i fuck up sometimes, i still want you by my side.. i want you so to be mine...

mood: sleepy but happy. (counting down the hours until i get off work... if im getting off by 8 p.m. that makes ten hours from now.... blaaaaaaaaah)
music: the legends- up against the legends (i forgot how much i loved this album, top ten of 2004)

im a lazy blogger. i havent felt like writing really lately, or maybe i just havent had much to write about. im trying to be better about being more discrete and keeping things to myself rather than broadcasting them to everyone. makes for a boring blog though.. right? i dont even think anyone reads this anymore anyway.

six weeks left of school. SIX FUCKING WEEKS. seriously. can you tell how excited i am about this? i dont even know what im going to do with myself. all that free time. first, im going to make sure to enjoy it for awhile. spend some time on the couch with my good friends, mr. t.v. and mrs. netflix. i want to throw myself a graduation party. then i will probably get bored of that quickly and figure out some other projects or classes i want to take. or maybe work a lot so i can save up money to travel. i really want to go to SXSW this year, but the way things are going, i dont think i'll have the money saved for it. oh well. not a big deal. although i wanted to take advantage of the fact that eidelyn still has connections to the parties and secret-shows.

my sister is getting married in like seven months and little dylan is very cute.

im excited that its practically winter/rainy season. winter weather puts me in a jolly mood, i mean oooohhh little saint nick kinda jolly (sorry--random reference to beach boys christmas album, which rules by the way). back to winter... im quite the fan. what i love: dressing in layers! hot chocolate or coffee! the christmas lights and decorations! its a romatic season! i have a cute boy to cuddle with! going to the movies during the day then getting something warm to eat or drink after! staying home cuddling on the couch with blankets and a movie! ordering delivery! (makes me miss san francisco, badly!) rainy weather makes me want to act silly! im a big fan of the winter wardrobe. i dont care how broke i am, i cannot resist winter clothing!!!!! im beyond weak when i see a cute scarf or a coat that i of course HAVE to at least try on, then it looks so cute on me that OF COURSE i have to buy it. you know how it goes JOCELYN and TESHIA and all you other girls. i really miss buying shoes too. its been way too long!

if no one has anything to do on halloween, come to silver creek high school to support the young folks i work with who are puting on a haunted house! its free & there is free trick-or-treating at the school and various other activities! its going on from 5-8 p.m. bring your little brothers/sisters, cousins, neighbors, random strangers kids, whoever.

hmm. im bored of this blog already.
time to bust out the lists.

things i want to accomplish today:
* finish my powerpoint slides for my community mental health class.
* buy pumpkins. i may not have really the $$ for this, but i dont care. i HAVE to have a pumpkin.
* vaccumn my apartment and wash the dishes.
* finish the final disc of veronica mars season 1.
* get off work before 8 p.m. (this means getting all the electrical tactics for the silver creek haunted house DONE quickly)
* have a beer.
* snuggle on the couch and watch t.v.
* hook up my now working computer.
* buy bread, milk and fruit, and other economical items.
* have a conversation with jocelyn thats not via email or voice messages. havent talked to that girl forever!

things i want to do this weekend:
* see the weatherman (i heart nick cage--he is NOT a scientologist)
* go to bamboo7 for some karaoke.
* go to nates softball games at weird twin creeks field. still havent had a beer! i need someone to come out with me so that im not drinkin' solo.
* have breakfast.
* be completely prepared for the haunted house on monday.
* spend some time being lazy.
* not work crazy amounts of hours and not get paid for it (haha, fat chance).
* make a pretty banner for the kscu fundraiser.
* meet w/ my community mental health group to prep for presentation (okay, i dont WANT to do this, but i have no choice).
* read. for fun, not for classes. (i still have a chapter or so left of the miramax bio and i need to finish it already)

ok. in the time it took me to write this blog ive already moved on to another cd. i promise to try and write more. even if its really stupid stuff.

like for instance, the other day i attempted to tackle the renegade drinking fountain that attacked me a month ago at san jose state.. and it was going okay until AGAIN it went crazy and squirted water all over me. whatever. im done with you drinking fountain. bastard.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

it's been hella days...

what can i say? im tired. im sure interesting things have happened, yes they have actually, but im too tired to write about them. i will soon though.

i did discover lulu's live journal. yay! its linked on the sidebar.

ummmm. okay. bye.

love, nicole