Monday, October 02, 2006

the end.

this is the end of "...i am bored" the blog. here lies a new beginning.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

tidbits of news...

mood: HAPPY! :)
music: nothing at the moment.

so my mind is racing so this is in list form...

* i am going to guns'n'roses tonight! and sebastian bach is opening so i get to see someone from gilmore girls in person! (i am actually getting kinda excited for this--despite nate being the one dragging me along.)

* i bought myself an expensive present: a black 30 gb video ipod! i'm so excited! i never buy techno-gifts for myself. EVER! (not since the replay tv and that was YEARS ago)

* i finally got my medical stuff taken care of & actually spoke to my doctor today so i'm jazzed about that!

* i saw "the last kiss" on sunday w/ laura (and ran into jeff there). the movie was okay... not incredible. i wanted more of casey affleck. cutie!

* i also saw "hollywoodland" with nate and thought it was pretty good--and that ben affleck was also pretty good. i also have a crush on adrian brody. :D nate has a crush on ben affleck. major man-crush.

* i went w/ joce to the caravan last friday night. we met up for some pizza chicago before hand. yummy. caravan = LOUD crappy opening band.

* i am going up to clear lake this weekend cuz my parents rented a house. so me & nate get to spend saturday up there on a boat attempting to fish... maybe (the fishing part)

* i am COMPLETELY obsessed with grey's anatomy (DO NOT TELL ME ANYTHING THAT HAPPENED IN SEASON 2). i netflixed season 1 & finished it right quick... then i had to find a copy of disc 1 of season 2 because netflix had it as a "very LONG wait"... so after 3 video stores i found it! hurray! i finished watching the first disc this morning, and discs 2 & 3 should be there when i get home today from work. mmmmm dr. mcdreamy.... very cute. good acting. well written. good music!

* i checked out studio 60 (new aaron sorkin show) and thought it was pretty good. sharp like west wing... but with more popculture/comedy aspects. im gonna pick up this show for my regular watching schedule.

* i caught up with battlestar galactica in time for the new season to begin. GREAT show. i know this earns me more nerd points.

* berenice's party bus on saturday was INSANE. insane in a crazy waste-of-money, going-to-complain-to-the-company sort of way. oh well. at lease i've got a story to tell about that night. i think i'm more looking forward to going out for her bday on sunday (sushi night w/ just us four - b, me, tish, laura-- girls).

* me & nate checked out the CARE dog adoption event on saturday and we were sad because they didnt have any of the dogs out for you to pet or play with. so the doggies were getting anxious in their cages having people around. they just wanted some attention! hopefully we'll be able to get a dog within a year!
think that's all for now.


Friday, September 01, 2006

i want to kick valley health plan in their shins...

i am very annoyed at my health plan services right now! i have been waiting to get a prescription refilled for over a month and after many times waiting in long lines, several phonecalls and orders and call-backs to check on said order, and being told by a couple of people that it should come in TODAY--i was told over the phone that the meds i need are on BACKORDER and that they have no idea when they will come in. NICE! stupid bastards. now i have to call my doctor to see about switching med types or get a prescription for a generic brand. so i tried to call my doctor, which is a barrell of laughs in itself because i cant even reach my doctor, i have to call the automated system to leave a friggin' message for her, then she gets back to me! so i tried calling her on my break and i get through most of the automated message and im at the on-hold part when my call is dropped. i got so annoyed i just decided to come back into work and try again later.

SHIT!!!!!!! so frustrating!

what's also not helping is that terry gross (npr--fresh air host) is doing a two part country music special which is annoying because i wanted to hear something GOOD!

*taking a deep breath*

i am also hungry because i haven't eaten lunch yet--which is no one's fault but my own, but i'm still going to complain about it! my lunch break was spent at kaiser (accompanying nate to his follow up MRI dr's appt--all good news BTW), so now i have no lunch time to go and eat. but i suppose i could just head next door to wendys for a salad.

ok. i think i've written myself down from the ledge and have reached a calmer mood. maybe this country music is actually soothing me... its kinda old school country to it ain't too bad (whoever the artist on air is--is now doing a buddy holly cover).
moving on... i subscribed to a couple new media things that im excited about! one is a local magazine called colorlines that my co-worker shared with me. it comes out about 6 times a month. the second is a progressive dvd-of-the-month kinda club put out by ironweed film. i look forward to those things coming! i am also looking forward to the spike lee documentary: when the levees broke, which is saved on my replay just waiting to be watched. i will provide commentary on that after i watch it.

last night i saw the illusionist with nate and jocelyn. the movie was pretty boring and too predictable. i love ed norton & paul giamatti but if the movie is boring--its just boring. what had me curious during the movie was actually the origin of the word "fuck"... the movie takes place during the turn of the century (1900s), & one of the characters asked "were they fucking" and it made me think... did they use the word "fucking" back then? and when exactly did the origin and this meaning come about? (something to research)...

i am looking forward to checking out half nelson (hopefully this weekend) since its a film i have been hearing about for a few months now--and has a lot of clout (kevin smith!) backing it as one of the best films of the year... decade... century .... ever MADE. haha.

i recently joined the music club, your music, which allows you to buy any cds in their catalog for only 6 bucks... you have to sign up for their one-a-month subscription (also 6 bucks), which then allows you to buy any cd at any time for 6 bucks. they have a decent collection of old & new and some semi-underground.

time to get my nutrients on...

Thursday, August 31, 2006

monkey business...

i want one!
this dress is pretty awesome.

progressive record store politics...

found this interesting article in the east bay express on the downfall of tower records, and how amoeba is making progress & using good business tactics to work with the download revolution era music fans (allowing people to purchase new cds and return them for 75% store credit within one week--just enough time to open them and rip them and then return them)...

woo. i can listen to KQED online at work. 'bout time they unblocked the website... why is it bad to be following the news? silly silly work...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

sunset lights the way over my bay...

mood: stir-crazy.
music: 2004 kscu fall fundraiser (good stuff!), hard to believe i've been gone for more than a year already...

summer is over. wah! im feeling the itch to make myself busy again because it feels like i should be going back to school... only for the first time i don't have to! which is amazing, but makes me feel lazy in a way. so i am going to take another pilates class & a kickboxing class at san jose city college.

i just got back from disneyland (i actually returned last wednesday). it was a good time... went on all the rides i wanted (except the matterhorn because i was so exhausted i thought my legs were going to fall off!). but i did get to see johnny depp make several appearances in the yet-again-remodeled pirates of the carribean. im not to approve of messing with the classics, but it was pretty comical. speaking of pirates... pirates stuff is EVERYWHERE!! its beyond trendy...

i am missing going to shows as well! i can't even remember the last actual "show" show i went to... since i dont consider big music festivals (bfd) as being a show. i miss going up to san francisco. i need to stop being lazy! here are some shows i wouldnt mind going to:

9/9: damone @ slims (but i will be outta town!)
9/20: lawrence arms @ bottom of the hill.
9/23: phoenix @ slims.
9/30: gossip @ bottom of the hill (also playing 10/1)
10/2: we are scientists & art brut @ the fillmore.
10/13: clap your hands say yeah + architecture in helsinki @ the warfield.
10/14: subtle @ bottom of the hill.
10/16: ladytron @ the fillmore.
10/17: the hold steady @ gamh.
10/28: alias & tarsier @ bottom of the hill.
11/21: mates of state @ gamh (or 11/22).

there is one show i am going to (meaning i am being a nice girlfriend), and that is guns'n'roses on sept. 20. haha. i have no idea what to expect. i also am going to the download festival (for free! + VIP! yay!). heart is also playing sept. 6 @ the mt. winery... which i cant afford but would totally go to! i adore heart. haha.

ok. my computer is being completely freakish and keeps turning off and on giving me a heart attack each time. time to reboot.


Monday, August 07, 2006

the computer-nerd artists invade san jose.

the image that has sold me on the zero one art festival taking over san jose this week:

Friday, August 04, 2006

my brain is staging a protest for more caffeine.

i can really feel the friday-ness of today. and not in that happy kinda way where the air is light, but it's more of the... my head and my body ache and i want to go home and relax but really i have one million point five things to do.

although, i often find myself feeling MORE tired when i go home and watch tv or read instead of moving about and doing stuff for myself, my boyfriend or our home (apartment). i think i will indulge in a little of both and run to target to pick up some things (storage boxes + bathing suit + bras) and then go home and watch battlestar galactica and unpack/get rid/organize the house.

i don't really have a reason for writing a blog other than to post the above picture with a link to the blog post. check it out. check out music for america in general. register to vote. then actually go & vote. ummmmmmmmmm my brain hurts. time to go. ta-ta. (hey i just noticed i posted a blog five days in a row! i deserve a prize).